ambivalent schadule
rumination 50
self complaint 1
concern about 1
panic 5
hysteria  5
perfectionism 15
procrastination 1

emotional comparison

good things
have his time to think about

understand how to control and manage



worst situation



wasting time


expressive wirtting

He is thinking about the words like this " He is looking at you even though

you are in the middle of cloudy rain."He needs to know the technique to

find the umbrella to hold his hand because there is no umbrella near there.

He needs to believe which cloudy rain goes away someday so he should 

know the way to hold his umbrella until it goes. He is thinking about

nobody 's notification and he is just talking to himself . So he feels really bad

 but he wants to continue talking to himself . He wants to find his talent .

He embraces his emotion until he ends . He wants to know what people cherich .

He is thinking about the way to let people know what he thinks about.

He felt like nobody who understand him . It seems painful for him because

things is like random and random again and again. It is kinda random continuous.


He was talking to people and wanted to understand what they think but

it seems really hard even though he listens to them. It seems meaningless.

He wants to understand people and let people understand him.

but it is also difficult . He needs to understand him and get rid of his fear or

unsure. He is not sure why he needs his family. He is worrying about his sister and

what she is doing .He is also worrying about his family. He is not sure if

he needs to tell his brother and not sure about everything for what people talks.


He wants to celebrate people and stay with them .

He wants some friend. He is really not sure how things go and not sure of

dealing with it . He is not upset right now . He needs to train harder and being alone .

His work will be difficult more and more . nobody listen to him .


He is thinking about the reason for misunderstanding and randomness for

the world . This space has no reason and we just wants to know the technology to

go out of the space and we are going to look at the world.

emotional planning

dilly dally shilly shally( ノД`)シクシク…→Decide something

roar (# ゚Д゚)→Solve something

Happy( ´∀` )→Find something new and try










if then planning
plan prompt write down the detail you need to do here