ambivalent schadule
rumination 15
self complaint14
concern about25
panic  15
hysteria 24

emotional comparison

good things
understand the way to make dream come true

make plan

understand good portpholio

worst situation
lost money and credit

lost friends

fail and lie to family and ill

found some difficulty

expressive wirtting
trying to describe his rumination . It is kanda like past experience or

people's mention for something about his body or idea .

He used to live some difficulty about his positon in the class so that

he felt really insecure about his friends. And he also thought about

his debt and financial difficulty and it seems kinda really hard for him .

Because even though he used money by credit , it won't be his credit.

He used to use his family's credit so that he needs to think about these .

He wanted to make dream come true . It is kinda like driving plane or

ship and go ride with birds and his girl or his son and it will be really spacial  for him.

That will be his dream and he is also thinking about other dream like out of space and

this will be really difficult because he needs to calculate more harder and

understand physics. He is not sure if he kept doing this and how good for him

and the behavior about these effort about people around him .

He thought not many people understand what he talks about and he needs to

concentrate on topic he talks about but right now he just got confused about

these things. he shoudn't have bad eyes so that he needs to understand how

to concentrate on health or bodyfat and it will be helpful for him .