Marginal cost zero society

Zero Marginal Cost Society

Zero Marginal Cost Society


Marginal cost zero society

This will happen in the world if we have experieced enough for globalism.

I don't know if you guys know Japanese 100 store or cheap cost store in Japan.

I think you know ユニクロ.


This Japanese company break prices for clothes in Japan.

That was the beginning for Japanese depression anyway.

This senario will happen in the world sooner or later.


I don't know if you guys know what is marginal cost means.

This is from economics. And this is talking about gloablism and

the system on society after mcdolnalization or comoditization.


Most of traditonal value will be broken by comoditization and

If you don't have any position to be secure , this will happen to you .
Most of technology will be subsitituted by computer or robotics in the future.

If you didn't show your technique to google analitics or computer ,

The automation which google made will make you comoditize.

This is the reason why I am making blog and talking to the world

because of my position and my sight .


If you have any comment or opinion ,

please send me comment on twitter


限界費用ゼロ社会 〈モノのインターネット〉と共有型経済の台頭

限界費用ゼロ社会 〈モノのインターネット〉と共有型経済の台頭