Globalism make comoditization

This is the big reason for me to make this blog

to let people know globalism and 

comoditization in the world.


I would like to explain comoditization.

I think you know Mcdonald's .

You can eat same thing in Mcdonald's

even though you were different places.

This is comoditization.


If you are going to use amazon or

google, apple,

the comoditization expands everywhere.

and this is the globalism.


I think you think everything gets easier

and nicer but you don't notice what you lose

instead of this technology.


if you go to supermarket like amazon,

and any unique market gotta quit their work.

This is what happens here in Japan.

Amazon service damages Japanese middle

class market. 


Japanese middle is the important here

and this made Japanese unique culture.


This will happen in the world.

so we need to help each other.

if upper class run away from these problem,

they won't share anything in the future.


if you have any comment,please give me

comment on Twitter.