
Expressive writing ストレスによって下がった能力を元に戻す方法

how to organize yourr motivation when you feel depressed. ①Expressive writing 感情表現をひたすら書いてストレスやうつをケアする方法 例 会社の人間がやめてしまった。35点 家族に対して暴言を吐かれた。 25点 友達の言葉 15点 物事がうまく行かない …

Marginal cost zero society

Zero Marginal Cost Society 作者: JEREMY RIFKIN 出版社/メーカー: Griffin 発売日: 2015/07/07 メディア: ペーパーバック この商品を含むブログを見る Marginal cost zero society This will happen in the world if we have experieced enough for global…

Globalism make comoditization

This is the big reason for me to make this blog to let people know globalism and comoditization in the world. I would like to explain comoditization. I think you know Mcdonald's . You can eat same thing in Mcdonald's even though you were d…

Thank you

I really appriciated your understanding. My English isn't so good so I think you feel uneasy for reading my messages. But I am so glad if you read this and sharing your opinion here or Twitter . Thank you so much anyway. I would like to wr…

My introduction

Hi. I am Japanese. Nice to meet you. I am sorry for my rudeness. Thank you for reading my blog. I would like to introduce myself here. I have never lived in other countries. so I have a lot of question in the world. So I thought I would li…