ambivalent schadule 
emotional comparison
expressive writing


ambivalent schadule 


self complaint



 2.emotional comparison

This is for comparison of the good  and

worst .


Good thing

Thinking what I need 

try to do something better

stay away from panic


worst situation

being panic and hysteria


self complaint


3.expressive writing

He is thinking about failure on investment and relationship.He thinks about some difficulty on investment to approach which he needs to put his book and needs to hold . He isn't sure for the place so that he feel unsure for it.

He also think about the loneliness and the difficulty to get some information from out of basement. He needs to know where the warehouse is. So he felt a bit of difficulty .

He felt something about his relationship too. 

and It is a bit difficult for him because he is a bit greed . so he imagines two side or other  of his situation. He wants to get some info and needs to understand how to control his feeling and he thinks it is helpful for him.  He is also thinking about his family and those difficulty  he needs to have. recently he felt some good for his ability to listen music. He wants to know something good on technique.

He is a bit afraid of pressure on the market that people try to sell or buy and it effects too much. in any situation for having a trouble he needs to avoid.he shouldn't be panic or hysteria and keep calm and it will be helpful  for him to control something good. he wants to have some fame. if he can keep doing some good, he can be anything and he will archive what he needs. I wants to find out some better way to get involved with world.