ambivalent schadule
rumination    14
self complaint   26
concern about 15
panic  15
hysteria   20


emotional comparison

good things
forget something bad

go abroad

get a chance

good relationship

worst situation

upset about feeling

tired of thinking about something sad

painful for some reason

fail at something

failure for relationship

getting bodyfat

out of control

expressive wirtting
He felt upset for his slitage and rumination and bit of images.

He is unsure for his own mindset and what to do.

He understand what he can get in the future but he is not interested in them .

Even though he calicurate his salary from now, that is not enough for him .

He is not even sure of his belonging. He needs to think something good for his

good concern but it seems quite hard for him . He has lots of idea and these

are really trouble for him. He is unsure for his own sight and perspective and

he doesn't know who can understand of what he does.

He is a bit afraid of his situation and these concerns . He thinks he doesn't

want to be alone again,. He is counting his failure in his life. He doesn't know

what he needs to do . He think he is happy if he can study harder but

right now he stopped stadying . He imagine his situation and he is unsure

for these , if he can get computer there , it will be helpful for him.

He doesn't know what he should do for his life. He cannot decide these

problem and solution. He felt really alone .