
マインドセット介入研究と実践日記 ambivalent schadule rumination self complaint concern about panic hysteria perfectionism procrastination emotional comparison 1.good things after achieved goal meeting with girlfriend 2.best positive image…

マインドセット介入研究と実践日記 ambivalent schadule rumination self complaint concern about panic hysteria perfectionism procrastination emotional comparison 1.good things after achieved goal mee up with girlfriend stay with her good exp…

マインドセット介入研究と実践日記 ambivalent schadule rumination 0 self complaint 10 concern about 50 panic 1 hysteria 1 perfectionism 1 procrastination 0 emotional comparison 1.good things after achieved goal sarary and income 2.best posi…

ambivalent schadule rumination 1 self complaint 1 concern about 2 panic 1 hysteria 1 perfectionism 10 procrastination 1 emotional comparison good things to achieve goal 有中国朋友 英语朋友 家书 去外国 有visa 投资 住在一起女朋友 worst sit…