The Incentive to creat blog for my activity

I would like to talk about the reason to make blog here for letting people understand

what I think. I am not really good at talking with people so I always make people

mistunderstood .so I need to change that act for my future and if people understand

me ,it helps me to archive my goal . I just want to make a lot of friends in the world.

so if people talk with me , I feel so happy to talk with them .


I dont want to struggle in any situation for my position . and  I also knew

my ability so that I needed to find the pass to way out here in this very ends.


I guess you guys might feel insecure or hard to understand to read my messages .

but I would like to know how Japanese think and  in this globalization.


most of people here in Japan to understand english or language .

it will be so hard to speak and understand so we just need some help.


Elders just think we are all Japanese and we are superior to the other countries,

I am sure that I dont agree this opoinion but this is Japanese situation in this island.

so most of young people think this world in this country is so hard to breath.


thanks for reading.